Figure 21 preset list, Figure 22 preset detail pane (copy pair is set), 21 preset list – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 38: 22 preset detail pane (copy pair is set), Figure 21

background image


Flex Copy XP copy operations

If the contents in the Preset list are not applied to the local array even if you click Apply, an error message

appears in the Preset list. That condition also generates an error code in the Preset list.

Figure 21

Preset list

When you right-click a setting in the Preset list, the Detail and Delete commands appear. You can perform

the following operations using the displayed commands:

Detail command: Displays the Preset Detail pane (

Figure 22

). Detailed information about settings

selected in the Preset list appear on the Preset Detail pane. When an error code appears in the Preset

list, an error message corresponding to the displayed error code appears on the Preset Detail pane.

Figure 22

Preset Detail pane (copy pair is set)

Modify command: Displays the Pair Volume Setting pane (

Figure 23


Figure 24

). The Modify

command is available only when the create pair operation is in the preset status. You can change the

copy pair’s preset setting on the Pair Volume Setting pane. For instructions on setting a copy pair, see

Copying data in an external LU to a local array volume

” on page 40 and ”

Copying data in the local

array volume to an external LU

” on page 41.