Requirements – HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

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Storage Mirroring Reporting Center requires the following minimum system

Operating system—Storage Mirroring Reporting Center can be installed on any of
the following operating systems.





2000 Standard or Advanced server with Service Pack


Microsoft Windows 2003 Standard or Enterprise server with Service Pack 1
or later


The Storage Mirroring Reporting Center GUI may optionally be installed
on a Windows XP machine as well as a server.

A licensed copy of SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or SQL Server
2005 with Service Pack 2 or later.


If you do not have SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005, you can install
Microsoft SQL Server Express, Service Pack 2, during the Storage
Mirroring Reporting Center installation.

Before you install Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005, ensure that you
have already installed the following on your machine:

.NET Framework version 2.0 or later

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.8 with
Service Pack 1 or later

A licensed copy of Storage Mirroring version or later


Storage Mirroring only needs to be installed on the servers for which
you want to collect data.

The collection server should NOT be running Storage Mirroring
Application Manager or Storage Mirroring Server Recovery Option. If
one of these applications is inadvertently installed on top of Storage
Mirroring. See the Storage Mirroring Reporting Center readme file
for a workaround.

A copy of Storage Mirroring Reporting Center

The server should meet the following minimum hardware requirements:

At least 1 GB of physical memory