HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

Page 112

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Log Directory—Location where the Storage Mirroring Reporting Center
server and collector processes are written to.

Server Log Level—Verbosity level at which to write the log file for the
controller, reporter, analysis engine, publisher, and listener processes. The
default value is Info, which includes fatal issues, errors, and warnings. It is
recommended that you change this value only to assist with troubleshooting
a problem. Changing this value may affect the performance of the product.
To put a process into Debug mode, select Debug Low.

Collector Log Level—Verbosity level at which to write the log file for the
collector process. The Collector gathers information from Storage Mirroring
servers. It is recommended that you change this value only to assist with
troubleshooting a problem. Changing this value may affect the performance
of the product.
To put a process into Debug mode, select Debug Low.

GUI Log Directory—Directory to which to write the log file. The default value
is a log folder in the directory in which you installed Storage Mirroring
Reporting Center (such as \Program Files\StorageWorks\Storage

GUI Log Level—Verbosity level at which to write the log file. The default
value is Info, which includes fatal issues, errors, and warnings.
To put a process into Debug mode, select Debug.

6. When you are finished, click OK.