HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual
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3. In the Field Name field, select the field on which to apply the condition.
4. In the Operator field, enter the operator that should be applied to the field.
5. In the Value Type field, specify whether the value is a fixed static value or
something that is determined at the time the report is evaluated. The options are:
Static—The value is taken from the Value field.
Variable—Prompts the user for the value at the time the report is run.
Current Time—The current time in seconds.
Start Time—The start time of the report.
End Time—The end time of the report.
End of Time—Point of time far in the future (for example, January 19, 2038).
6. If defining a static value, specify that value in the Value field.
7. If specifying a dynamic value, the Dynamic Value field includes the following
values: User Selected, Current Time, Start Time, End Time, End of Time. If you
select Variable, you must specify the name of the variable in the Variable Name
field. For the other value types, the times are evaluated at the time the report is ran
and substituted into the report.
8. Click OK. The condition is added to the Report Filter Editor.
9. To create complex conditions, you can combine multiple conditions with AND as
well as OR operators. To add an operator, click Add Operator and select the
operator you want to use from the list of values. The operator can be modified by
double-clicking on the operator node. Click on the operator node to add
arguments. An operator can have conditions or other operators as its arguments.
10. You can remove any operator or condition expression by selecting the node and
clicking on the Remove button.
11. Click OK. The display of the report is updated with the changes you made.
Refresh settings
The Refresh Settings icon allows you to set the frequency with which a report is