Source— the name of the source server, Target— the name of the target server, Repset —the name of the replication set – HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

Page 22: Mirror state —the status of the mirror, Transmission state —the status of the transmission, Mirror queue —bytes in mirror queue, Replication queue —bytes in replication queue, Target —the name of the target server

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The Connections Dashboard displays the connection status, source disk queue
utilization, and protected time for a Storage Mirroring server or group of Storage Mirroring

To run the Connections Dashboard, select a Storage Mirroring server in the tree. Right-
click and select Dashboards, Connections from the menu.


Information displayed

Connection status

Source—The name of the source server

Target—The name of the target server

Repset—The name of the replication set

Replication State—The status of the replication set

Mirror State—The status of the mirror

Transmission State—The status of the transmission

Target Paused—If selected, the target is not writing to

Connected Time—The timestamp showing when the
connection was established

Running—The time the connection has been running

Source disk queue
utilization report

Source—The name of the source server

Mirror Queue—Bytes in mirror queue

Replication Queue—Bytes in replication queue

Disk Queue—The number of bytes in the source disk

Memory Queue—Bytes in memory queue
programmatically calculated by adding mirror +
replication - disk queue

Storage Mirroring
protected time report

Source—The name of the source server

Target—The name of the target server

Repset—The name of the replication set

Protected Time—The percentage of time the data was

Unprotected Time—The percentage of time the data
was not protected

Mirror Time—The percentage of the unprotected time
due to mirror activity

Connections dashboard reports