HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 65

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Performance Control XP user guide


If SPM-group-name is not specified, the monitoring data of all the SPM groups will be exported.



Use this operand when you want to export statistics about host bus adapters (WWNs) belonging to

SPM groups, which are displayed in the WWN tab of the Auto LUN XP pane. When statistics are

exported in a ZIP file, the file name will be


. For details on the statistics exported by

this operand, see

Table 10

on page 38.

When you specify variables SPM-group-name, you can narrow the range of SPM groups whose

monitoring data are to be exported. SPM-group-name is the name of an SPM group. If the name

includes any non-alphanumeric character, the name must be enclosed by double quotation marks (").

The colon (:) indicates a range. For example, Grp01:Grp03 indicates a range of SPM groups from

Grp01 to Grp03.
Ensure that the SPM-group-name value on the left of the colon is smaller than the SPM-group-name

value on the right of the colon. Note that numerals are smaller than letters and lowercase letters are

smaller than uppercase letters. In the following formulae, values are arranged so that smaller values are

on the left and larger values are on the right:
• 0 < 1 < 2 < …< 9 < a < b < …< z < A < B < … < Z
• cygnus < raid < Cancer < Pisces < RAID < RAID5
If SPM-group-name is not specified, the monitoring data of all the host bus adapters will be exported.


Use this operand when you want to export statistics about remote copy operations, which are

displayed in the CA Monitor pane and the TCz Monitor pane. By using this operand, you can export

monitoring data about remote copy operations performed by Continuous Access XP and TrueCopy for

z/OS in the whole disk array. When statistics are exported to a ZIP file, the file name will be


. For details on the statistics exported by this operand, see

Table 11


page 39.



Use this operand when you want to export statistics about remote copy operations, which are

displayed in the CA Monitor pane and the TCz Monitor pane. By using this operand, you can export

monitoring data about remote copy operations performed by Continuous Access XP and TrueCopy for

z/OS at each LU path. When statistics are exported to a ZIP file, the file name will be



For details on the statistics exported by this operand, see

Table 12

on page 40.

When you specify variable, you can narrow the range of LU paths

whose monitoring data are to be exported. port-name is a port name. host-group-id is the ID of

a host group. The host group ID must be a hexadecimal numeral. The colon (:) indicates a range. For

example, CL1-C.01:CL1-C.03 indicates the range from host group #01 of the CL1-C port to host

group #03 of the CL1-C port.
Ensure that the value on the left of the colon is smaller than the value on the right of the colon. Note

that the smallest port-name value is CL1 A and the largest port-name value is CL4 r. The following

formula illustrates which port-name value is smaller than which port-name value:

CL1-A < CL1-B < … < CL2-A < CL2-B < … < CL3-a < CL3-b < … < CL4-a < … < CL4-r

For example, you can specify RCLU CL1-C.01:CL2-A.01, but you cannot specify
RCLU CL2-A.01:CL1-C.01

. Also, you can specify RCLU CL1-C.01:CL1-C.03, but you cannot

specify RCLU CL1-C.03:CL1-C.01.
If is not specified, the monitoring data of all the LU paths will be




Use this operand when you want to export statistics about remote copy operations, which are

displayed in the CA Monitor pane and the TCz Monitor pane. By using this operand, you can export

monitoring data about remote copy operations performed by Continuous Access XP and TrueCopy for

z/OS at logical volumes controlled by each CU. When statistics are exported to a ZIP file, multiple ZIP

files whose names begin with


will be output. For details on the statistics exported by this

operand, see

Table 13

on page 41.