HP StorageWorks XP10000 Disk Array User Manual

Page 99

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refresh, 22; status, 24
refresh, mechanics of, 22
refresh, when to, 23
refreshing: operations allowed

during refresh, 67; storage
domain, 67

removing: volume from migration

group, 82

repository: for Common Component,

23; for Device Manager, 23; for
Tiered Storage Manager, 22

restrictions: on migration, 25


scope of data eligible for migration,


searching: migration task, 85;

volumes in storage domain, 65;
volumes in storage tier, 72

selecting volume pairs, 60
starting: Tiered Storage Manager

operations, 30

starting Tiered Storage Manager: by

link-and-launch operation, 30;
from login dialog box, 29

storage domain: changing attribute

information, 68; creating, 35;
deleting, 69; refreshing, 67;

searching volumes, 65; viewing list
of, 64; viewing properties of, 64

Storage Domain, 35
storage environment, changing, 16
storage performance, 14
storage tier: changing attribute

information, 73; creating, based on
results of storage domain volume
search, 42; creating, by selecting
storage tiers object from storage
domain, 39; deleting, 76;
searching volumes, 72; viewing list
of, 70; viewing properties of, 70

Storage Tier, 38


Tiered Storage Manager: functions,

11; starting from login dialog box,
29; starting operations, 30; user
types, 21

Tiered Storage Manager command

for changing user information, 21;
htsmmodhdvmuser, 21

Tiered Storage Manager Operations

and Related User Types, 21

trace log, 95
troubleshooting examples: logon,

90; on web client, 90; tiered
storage manager functions, 91;
window display, 90


user information: changes to, 21
user types: in Tiered Storage

Manager, 21


viewing detailed information: about

migration group, 77; about
migration task, 86

viewing list of: migration groups, 77;

storage domains, 64; storage tiers,

viewing properties of: storage

domains, 64; storage tiers, 70

volume: adding to migration group,

80; removing from migration
group, 82; searching, in storage
domain, 65; searching, in storage
tier, 72

volume filter conditions, 21
volumes: grouping and migrating, 13


web client, 13; examples of

troubleshooting, 90; migration and
flow of operations, 58

Windows XP Service Pack 2: notes,