HP StorageWorks XP10000 Disk Array User Manual
Page 46

Table 5-1
Filtering Condition Elements and Values (1 of 3)
application server (search for
volumes used by a host)
is not
starts with
conversion) You cannot specify blank characters.
Multiple items cannot be specified.
You cannot use a host name that is not registered in Device
If is or is not is specified:
You cannot specify space characters at the start or end of this
If starts with or contains is specified:
If starts with is specified, space characters at the end are
included in the filter string.
If contains is specified, space characters at the start or end are
included in the filter string.
Filter by storage subsystem
name (search for volumes
within a storage subsystem)
is not
Select a storage subsystem from the drop-down list. The drop-
down list displays storage subsystems in the following format:
If the subsystem name has not been or cannot be registered in
Device Manager, it is displayed in the drop-down list in product-
name#serial-number format.
Filter by the vendor name of
the storage subsystem
Vendor is
is not
Select the vendor name of a storage subsystem from the drop-
down list. The list displays storage subsystems in the following
Since storage subsystem names are not case - sensitive, the
same vendor names may be displayed more than once in the
drop-down list , but when you select such a vendor name, the
same results are displayed, regardless of the case of the
vendor name selected
Filter by the model name for
display of the storage
Display Type
is not
Select the subsystem display model names of a storage
subsystem from the drop-down list. The model name displayed
in this list corresponds to displayArrayType in Device Manager.
The subsystem display model names that are displayed depend
on the settings in Device Manager.
Filter by storage subsystem
serial number (volume
search in storage
Serial Number
is not
starts with
Specify a character string up to 75 bytes in length (UTF8
conversion). You cannot specify blank characters.
Multiple items cannot be specified.
If is or is not is specified:
You cannot specify space characters at the start or end of this
If starts with or contains is specified:
If starts with is specified, space characters at the end are
included in the filter string.
If contains is specified, space characters at the start or end are
included in the filter string.
Filter by controller array
group name
Controller Array
is not
starts with
Up to 75 bytes, after conversion to UTF-8.
If is or is not is specified:
To specify multiple elements, delimit them by using commas
(,). The maximum number of elements separated by commas
(,) is 100. Space characters at the start or end of the controller
array group name are disregarded.
If starts with or contains is specified:
Multiple elements cannot be specified.
If starts with is specified, space characters at the end are
included in the filter string.
If contains is specified, space characters at the start or end are
included in the filter string.
Filter by array group name
Array Group
Specify a character string up to 75 bytes in length (UTF8