HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual

Page 161

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Fields can be modified as follows:

The Description field is the long description stating the nature of the trap. The Description field
is used on the Event detail page and can be included in paging and e-mail notifications. This
field corresponds to the DESCRIPTION keyword in the CFG files.

The Event Type field is the short description and is used as the display string when viewing a
list of events. The event type can also be used as part of a paging or e-mail notification. Event
type fields have been custom-created for all of the HP ProLiant hardware events. However,
for many other MIBs they have not been customized. Tailoring this field to present a clear
message is crucial for presenting meaningful event data in HP SIM. This field corresponds to
the #TYPE keyword in the CFG files.

The Severity field can be set to CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR, or INFORMATIONAL. The default
is INFORMATIONAL when no other severity has been set by the base MIB. Many vendors
have different severities specified in their MIBs such as Normal, Warning, Degraded, Broken,
etc. These severities need to be changed in the base MIB or CFG to one that matches HP SIM.
For example, Degraded can be mapped to Minor or Major, depending on the degradation.
Editing the MIB or CFG and doing a search/replace on the severities is the easiest way to
tweak the MIB. This field corresponds to the #SEVERITY keyword in the CFG files.

The Category field is used to logically group similar events for display purposes in HP SIM.
These groups are shown when you create event lists and when configuring Automatic Event
Handling. This is extremely helpful when wanting to group specific networking, storage, and
other traps to be easily found in the user interface. This field corresponds to the #CATEGORY
keyword in the CFG files.

The Enable Trap Handling field can be toggled to support or suppress events on a per-trap
basis. HP recommends that all traps remain Enabled and are only disabled when they are
well-understood and can be ignored without any impact. By disabling a specific trap, you
are telling HP SIM to ignore that trap once received. If a trap is disabled, then the trap is
dropped and not logged in the database. This field corresponds to the #ENABLE keyword in
the CFG files.

MIB management tools