Command interpreter defines, Escort_sysdb, Escort_monitor – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 206: B-10, Add the, Define prior to executi, Use the, Define to specify an al, Define whenever using the
Special DEFINEs
HP NonStop AutoTMF Software User’s Guide—429952-016
Command Interpreter DEFINEs
Command Interpreter DEFINEs
This DEFINE is used for testing AutoTMF. It permits the user to establish an
independent NonStop AutoTMF environment on the same system. In general, its use is
not required and is not recommended in a production environment. In order to test a
new version on AutoTMF in parallel with an existing version, you should use an
alternate monitor and MapDB instead.
The =_ESCORT_SYSDB DEFINE is class CATALOG and specifies a subvolume for
the SysDB tables. If this DEFINE is present when the CI is started, the CI will not look
for the normal SysDB, but will use the one specified. Thus, the CI will operate only with
MapDBs and monitor processes that were created under the specified SysDB.
=_ESCORT_SYSDB DEFINE has no effect on an application, since the DEFINE
obtains all configuration information from a monitor process. To run an application in
the separate environment, the =_ESCORT_MONITOR DEFINE selects a monitor
process defined in that environment.
A typical =_ESCORT_SYSDB DEFINE is added with the following TACL command:
This DEFINE selects a monitor process for the CI session; using this DEFINE is
equivalent to specifying the monitor name on the command line or issuing an OPEN on
the monitor name.
The DEFINE is added with the following TACL command:
Alternate MapDBs are typically created to test a new version of AutoTMF. By issuing
the INFO MAPDB * or STATUS MONITOR * commands in the CI, you can determine
the currently defined monitor process names. A monitor process name must contain
exactly 5 characters, including the $. The default monitor process name is $ZESC.