HP Photosmart C8180 All-in-One Printer User Manual

Page 233

background image

oversized books, load 60
overspray, reduce 80


page order 89

choose 61
feed fails 171
incompatible types 64
jam 191, 200
jams 72, 147, 153
load 64
misfeed 200
out of 200
recommended copy

types 123

recommended sizes for

printing 76

recommended types 61, 63
size incorrect 200
specifications 219
tips 147
type incorrect 200
width incorrect 201

paper size

copy setting 122

paper type 77
passkey (Bluetooth) 52
password, Embedded Web

Server 47

peer-to-peer network 35
phone numbers, support 212
phone support 213
phone support period

period for support 213


photosmart express

menu 13, 14

Photo browsing 20
photo paper

copy 123
load 66
specifications 219


add a frame 106
add color effect 106
adjust brightness 106
crop 106
e-mail 101
edit scanned 117
flip horizontal 106
ink sprays 179
missing 193

print borderless 83
print on photo paper 83
remove red-eye 106
rotate 107
send using HP

Photosmart 101

share 101
zoom 106

poor fax printout quality 164,


portrait orientation 78

load 67

posters 92
preview copy 121
preview image, edit 118
preview print job 80

2 or 4 pages on 1 88
addresses 91
blank printout 179
booklet 87
borderless fails 173
borderless photos 83
both sides of page 85
cancel job 93
CD/DVD labels 84
correct order 89
distorted printout 166
envelopes 91
envelopes print

incorrectly 172

faded 169
from computer 75
from software application 75
iron-on transfers 90
labels 91
margins incorrect 177, 178
meaningless characters 175
multiple pages on one

sheet 88

nothing happens 175
on photo paper 83
posters 92
preview 80
print options 76, 81
quality, troubleshoot 164,

165, 168, 170

reverse images 90
reversed page order 176
self-test report 131
special print jobs 82
specifications 220

transparencies 90
troubleshooting 172
vertical streaks 171
Web pages 92

print cartridges

low ink 179

print head

clean 139
failure 208
stalled 207

print head, blocked 153
print quality 78
print settings

brightness 79
color tone 79
dry time 79
ink volume 79
layout 78
orientation 78
overspray 80
paper size 76
paper type 77
print quality 164
quality 78
reduce/enlarge 79
resizing options 79
resolution 78
saturation 79
speed 78

printer found screen,

Windows 39

printer sharing

Mac 28
Windows 28

printer, align 138
Printing Shortcuts tab 81

copy 186
error messages 190
print 172
scan 183



print 78

quality, copy 124


radio, turn off 26, 42

ink cartridges 221

red-eye, remove 106

