HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Hp insight global workload manager 6.3 user guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP Insight Global Workload Manager 6.3 User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Overview
- 2 Configuring gWLM to manage workloads
- 3 Monitoring workloads and gWLM
- 4 Security
- 5 Additional configuration and administration tasks
- Manually adjusting CPU resources
- Manually adjusting memory resources
- Setting aside space for historical data
- Backing up the VSE Management Software database
- Setting gWLM properties
- Controlling gWLM’s startup behavior
- Automatic restart of gWLM’s managed nodes in SRDs (high availability)
- Nesting partitions
- Changing the gWLM resource allocation interval
- Using gWLM with Hyper-Threading
- Using gWLM with hosts on multiple LANs
- Creating “Golden Images”
- Multiple network interface cards
- Incorrectly configured host name or IP address
- Unable to create new native thread
- 6 Support and other resources
- A Compatibility with agents
- B Global Workload Manager A.6.3.0.* Known issues
- Limitations
- HP Integrity Superdome 2 support
- Unpredictable management when removing GiCAP group members
- Localization behaviors
- Unable to manage partitions with inactive cells or deconfigured cores
- Unable to build a single shared resource domain
- Compatibility with PRM and WLM
- Rare incompatibility with virtual partitions
- Workloads in gWLM do not follow associated Serviceguard packages
- Host name aliases are not supported
- Making a configuration change to a large SRD is slow
- Events for gWLM CPU migration can affect HP SIM CMS performance
- Deleting workloads takes a long time
- Integrity VM prevents discovery of psets and fss groups
- Only workloads with managed siblings can be added to SRDs with nested partitions
- Configurations with Psets nested in virtual partitions rejected with vPars versions earlier than vPars A.03.05
- Information error during shutdown
- Managing fss groups on systems with psets restricts fss groups
- Custom metrics lost on redeploy
- Process placement using psrset is ignored
- iCAP compliance warning
- Major issues
- Documentation or minor issues
- Warning message displayed on non-partitionable machines
- Cell-Local processors and iCAP environment
- CMS is slow to respond
- Combining psets and virtual partitions
- Error during discovery of compartments
- Modifying Java while gWLM is running
- Missing or unexpected historical data (system clocks differ)
- Sample missing at start or end of gwlmreport output
- Workload with fixed policy gets more resources than requested
- Only one SRD is allowed to be deployed
- SRD deployment times out and displays a blank screen
- Application hangs in fss group
- Scripts not placed in correct workloads
- Processes moved to default pset or default fss group
- Sizes/allocations less than policy minimums for Virtual Machines
- Starting management of monitored workloads with pset compartments
- Unable to remove workload from nested partitions SRD
- Discovery does not show current information for stopped virtual machines
- Configuration of agent and CMS not synchronized
- Missing historical data (gWLM CMS daemon/service restarted)
- Negative current size for NONVM
- Unmanaging a Virtual Machine that is on leaves SRD undeployed
- gWLM online help corrections
- Limitations
- Index