Nesting partitions, Changing the gwlm resource allocation interval, Changing the interval in hp sim – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 43

If the gWLM CMS and agent disagree about whether an SRD is deployed or undeployed,
you can use the --force option with the gwlm deploy or gwlm undeploy commands.
Nesting partitions
gWLM allows you to form SRDs consisting of various compartment types. This ability provides
flexibility in dividing your complex. For example, you can divide your complex as shown in
The complex has four nPars, two of which are divided into vPars. One npar is hosting virtual
machines, and the fourth npar is not divided. gWLM allows you to create an SRD containing the
two virtual machine guests, the two vPars from npar 2, the two vPars from npar 3, and npar 4.
The workloads in any of these compartments can then borrow resources from any of the other
compartments in the SRD. If TiCAP is available on the complex, gWLM can migrate the usage
rights to where they are needed.
No more than one deployed SRD per complex should have nested partitions.
Figure 2 Nested partitions
Guest 1
Guest 2
HP VM Host
npar 1
npar 2
Temporary Instant Capacity
vpar 1
vpar 2
npar 3
npar 4
vpar 1
vpar 2
For more information on nesting partitions, see the online help or gwlm(1M).
Changing the gWLM resource allocation interval
The frequency of gWLM’s changes in the CPU resource allocations is an attribute of the SRDs.
Once you create an SRD, you can change how often gWLM adjusts the CPU resource allocations
of the workloads in that SRD using either of the methods discussed in the following sections.
Changing the interval in HP SIM
If you are managing virtual machines, specify a resource allocation interval that is a
multiple of the vm_fssagt interval, which defaults to 10 seconds. If you need a resource allocation
interval of fewer than 10 seconds, set the interval for the VM agents (using vm_fssagt -i) to
the same value as your resource allocation interval.
Using HP SIM, you can set the interval in two places:
When creating an SRD
From the HP SIM menu bar, select:
→Virtualization Manager...
Nesting partitions