HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 36

# When you set the level, you will see messages only from that level and
# the levels that are more severe. So, the SEVERE level produces the fewest
# messages, while the FINEST level includes messages from all seven levels.
com.hp.gwlm.util.Log.logLevel = INFO
# Specify the size (in MB) and number of files to use
# for logging. For a single file of unlimited size, set
# logFileSize to negative one (logFileSize=-1).
# Otherwise, total log file size is
# logFileSize * logNFiles
com.hp.gwlm.util.Log.logFileSize = 20
com.hp.gwlm.util.Log.logNFiles = 3
# Support for automatic database statistics gathering. These properties
# control how often row-level statistics are gathered from the database in
# order to optimize performance.
# com.hp.gwlm.cms.db.analyze.time:
# Frequency, in minutes, in which statistics are gathered. The
# default is to attempt to gather database statistics every 60
# minutes. When the analysis runs, statistics will only be gathered
# if a certain number of transactions have been processed (which is
# configured in the property below).
# com.hp.gwlm.cms.db.analyze.limit:
# Number of consecutive transactions that must take place before a
# database analysis is performed.
com.hp.gwlm.cms.db.analyze.time = 60
com.hp.gwlm.cms.db.analyze.limit = 50
# Support for the database cache on the CMS.
# cachesize:
# The number of historical configurations to cache in memory.
# A larger historical configuration cache reduces time spent
# in database lookups. The valid range is 1-1000.
com.hp.gwlm.cms.cachesize = 100
# Support for local data caching on a remote node for report generation.
# These properties are defined on the CMS but are pushed out to the remote
# node managers during deployment of an SRD. The cached objects on the
# agent consume an amount of memory approximated by:
# Memory = 5000 * workloads * cachesize * (60 / resource_domain_interval)
# bytes of memory. For example, if there are 4 workloads deployed with a
# 15 second interval and a cachesize of 20 minutes, the agent will need:
# Memory = 5000 * 4 * 20 * (60 / 15) ~ 2.5 MB.
# cachesize:
# The number of minutes of real-time data to maintain on the remote
# node for future CMS access. This value must be at least three
# times the 'samples' value specified below. The default value is
Additional configuration and administration tasks