Gwlm commands core dump, Documentation or minor issues, Cell-local processors and icap environment – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 58: Cms is slow to respond

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gWLM commands core dump

Attempts to run gwlm commands result in core dumps when /var is full.
Make space available in /var.

Multiple time changes on CMS might render gWLM unusable

If the time on the CMS is changed to a point in the future, changes to the gWLM configuration are
made and time on the CMS is moved back to the present; gWLM will not recognize any new
changes as the latest configuration.
Backup the CMS before performing any changes to time on the CMS system.

PHKL_39587 patch required on HP-UX 11i v3 Integrity VM hosts

The HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31) PHKL_39587 patch is required on an HP Integrity Virtual Machines
host that is to be managed by gWLM. If the patch is not installed, communication between gWLM
and the Integrity VM host might hang for one to many hours, in which event operating virtual
machines might not be allocated the CPU resources they need.
Install the HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31) PHKL_39587 patch on all HP Integrity Virtual Machines hosts.

Documentation or minor issues

The following are minor issues for Global Workload Manager.

Warning message displayed on non-partitionable machines

On non-partitionable machines, when the gWLM agent is started, stopped, or restarted, the
following warning message may be displayed:

Warning: gwlmagent cimserver error, icapd down, or icap out of
compliance. First restart cimserver. Make sure icapd is running. If
this error happens again, consult gwlmagent man page for steps to return
to compliance.

There is no workaround. You can ignore this message since this message is not valid on
non-partitionable machines where iCAP is not supported.

Cell-Local processors and iCAP environment

Using cell-local processors with virtual partitions inside an nPartition that uses (iCAP) leads to failure
of the icod_modify command.
Do not assign CPUs using cell specifications. Consider assigning CPUs to the virtual partitions
using a hardware path.
Alternatively, to use cell-local processors, update to vPars A.04.04 on HP-UX 11i v2 (B.11.23) or
to vPars A.05.01 on HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31).

CMS is slow to respond

The CMS is slow to respond.


Global Workload Manager A.6.3.0.* Known issues