Negative current size for nonvm, Gwlm online help corrections – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
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# gwlm deploy --srd=SRD --force
For more information about the gwlm command, see gwlm(1M). The agents should be restarted
to clear their configuration. The following steps should be performed on all agents:
# gwlmagent --stop
# rm /etc/opt/gwlm/deployed.config
# rm /var/opt/gwlm/RPmap (If it exists.)
# gwlmagent
Missing historical data (gWLM CMS daemon/service restarted)
You might have blank sections of a historic report for a workload, or you might see the following
error message when displaying historic data for a workload:
There is no gWLM historical data for the workload MyWorkload.wkld. The
workload has never been managed by gWLM, or the historical data has
been removed.
Because of caching gWLM historic data in HP SIM, if the gWLM CMS daemon/service is restarted
after initially viewing historic data, the interface incorrectly reports that there is no data available
to view or fails to load portions of the data.
Perform the following steps:.
Log out of HP SIM
Log in to HP SIM (again)
Generate the historic report (again)
Negative current size for NONVM
If the CPUs on a VM Host are oversubscribed when you deploy an SRD on that host, gWLM shows
current size for NONVM as a negative value.
Two options are available:
Adjust the entitlements of those virtual machines that are on so that the CPUs are not
Stop one or more virtual machines until those still on do not oversubscribe the CPUs.
Unmanaging a Virtual Machine that is on leaves SRD undeployed
When attempting to unmanage a virtual machine that is started, the SRD can be undeployed, even
though the following message is displayed:
The virtual machine VM_name on host hostname is on but does not have
an associated gWLM policy. Please turn the virtual machine off, or apply
a gWLM policy to provide the necessary resources.
Turn off the virtual machine and redeploy the SRD that contained it.
gWLM online help corrections
The following are corrections to gWLM online help topics:
Specify Workload/Policy Settings: In 3a, the tilde (“~”) and parentheses (“(” and “)”) are also
legal characters in workload names. That is, you can use the tilde and parentheses characters
in workload names.
Compatibility with Agents: In the bullet list of compatible agents, replace “gWLM A.04.10.xx”
with “gWLM A.04.01.xx”.
Documentation or minor issues