Viewing hp systems insight manager events, Monitoring gwlm with glanceplus – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
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Table 4 gWLM log files (continued)
Log for
HP-UX: /var/opt/gwlm/gwlm.log.0
Windows: C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
gWLM interface in HP Systems Insight Manager
HP-UX: /var/opt/gwlm/gwlmcommand.log.0
Windows: C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
On systems running Windows, log files are in C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
Environment\logs\ by default. However, a different path might have been selected at installation.
The name of the current log always ends in .log.0. Once this file grows to a certain size, it is
moved to a filename ending in .log.1 and a new .log.0 file is started. If a .log.1 file already exists,
it is renamed .log.2. If a .log.2 file already exists, it is overwritten.
By default, the log file size is limited to 20 Mbytes and the number of log files is limited to 3. You
can change these defaults using the following properties:
com.hp.gwlm.util.Log.logFileSize = 20
com.hp.gwlm.util.Log.logNFiles = 3
For the gwlmagent log, change the values of these properties in /etc/opt/gwlm/conf/
. For all the other log files, change the values in /etc/opt/gwlm/
on HP-UX and in C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
on Windows. (The given Windows path is the
default; however, a different path might have been selected at installation.)
Viewing HP Systems Insight Manager events
gWLM allows you to configure a number of events you can monitor through HP SIM. Set these
events in HP SIM as follows:
From the HP SIM menu bar, select:
→Virtualization Manager...
Click the Shared Resource Domain tab.
From the VSE Management menu bar, select:
→Global Workload Manager→Events…
After configuring these events, you can monitor them through the various Events items in the left
pane of HP SIM. Also, the Shared Resource Domain View provides links to any uncleared gWLM
events, filtering out all other events.
Monitoring gWLM with GlancePlus
You can use HP’s optional performance and monitoring tool GlancePlus to view data on workloads
based on fss groups that are managed by gWLM. (Use GlancePlus C.03.35.00 or later. Also,
you must have the bundle PRMLibraries C.03.03 or later installed. This bundle is available from
GlancePlus has both a text interface (glance) and an X-Windows interface (gpm).
Viewing HP Systems Insight Manager events