HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 36

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From the Global menu, select Catalog > Import > Volumes. (Alternatively, from the Navigation
tree, select Volume Services, then click the Actions Import Volumes button at the bottom of the

The Import Volumes into Catalog dialog box appears, beginning with the Select an array table.
The text on the left of the box lists the steps to be performed and indicates your progress through
the steps.

It may take a few minutes for the dialog box to refresh and display.

To see the properties for a chosen array, select the array, then click Show Array Properties. Click
the Cancel button when you are finished viewing the properties.


In the Name column of the Select array screen, click on the appropriate array, then click the Next


From the list of volumes that appears, select or clear the appropriate boxes to indicate the volumes
to import. To indicate all volumes in the list, select the box above the list of all volumes.


Volumes are provisioned from arrays and can belong to service groups. Volumes inherit
tags and permissions settings from both the array and service group to which it belongs.


Click Next

The Set properties screen appears.


From the Service Group list, select the service group to which the array and volumes should be
added, if any.


In the Description field, enter the preferred description of the array.


Click the Next button.

The Set Tags screen appears.

Importing storage into the storage catalog