Table 5-8: pass-through registers – PNI SENtral User Manual

Page 27

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PNI Sensor Corporation

Doc #1018049 R03

SENtral Technical Data Sheet

Page 26

Uses for the Pass-Through State include:

Direct control of sensors, if desired.


Communication with the dedicated EEPROM, if implemented. Specifically, if a new

Configuration File is generated, the host can write this into the EEPROM when in

Pass-Through State.

Since operating in Pass-Through State requires stopping the SENtral algorithm, Pass-

Through State is not recommended for accessing sensor data unless reliable heading data is

not required. If sensor data and reliable heading data are both desired, scaled sensor data can

be accessed during Normal Operation from the Results Registers, as given in Table 5-6.

Table 5-8 provides the registers associated with Pass-Through State.

Table 5-8: Pass-Through Registers

Register Name


Register Value



[0] 1 = StandbyEnable

0 = Disable Standby State



[0] 1 = SENtral in Standby State

0 = SENtral not in Standby State



[0] 1 = Enable Pass-Through State
0 = Disable Pass-Through State



[0] 1 = SENtral in Pass-Through State.
0 = SENtral not in Pass-Through State.

The steps to go in and out of Pass-Through State are given below.

Write 0x01 to the AlgorithmControl register. This places SENtral in Standby State.

Write 0x01 to the PassThroughControl register. This places SENtral in Pass-Through


Read the PassThroughStatus register. If bit [0] is ‘1’, then SENtral is in Pass-

Through State. This step is optional.

When you are done in Pass-Through State, write 0x00 to the PassThroughControl

register. This terminates Pass-Through mode and returns SENtral to Standby State.

Write 0x00 to the AlgorithmControl register. This takes SENtral out of Standby State

and normally will place it back into Normal Operation.