Dwyer ULTM User Manual

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Chapter 4. Configuration with a PC

1. Introduction
ULTM is pre-configured at the factory to default settings. See reference guide
section in Chapter 8: “Default Values” (p.15). The system is delivered to the user
ready for operation. Some configuration parameters should be re-configured by the
user for proper field application. ULTM can be configured by a simple PC tool.

Configuration by PC may be used in lieu of configuring with the integral keypad and
display. PC configuration provides the user with the full set of configuration items.
Furthermore, configuration by PC allows the user to clone fielded ULTM systems.
For this cloning process, the user is required to prepare one text file and download
that file into all relevant ULTM systems. Once this configuration file is prepared, the
downloading process takes a few seconds and makes redundant any manual
keypad based operation.

Section 2 below begins by demonstrating a sample configuration text file.

Section 3 handles the downloading operation. The download process involves use
of a standard Windows application – HyperTerminal. The setup of HyperTerminal is
explained in the second section, and parts of it may be skipped by those who are
already familiar with this tool. Section 4 presents possible responses from
ULTM–whether good or erroneous responses. Section 5 is a list of all configuration
items. Section 6 provides some configuration file example.

2. Preparing a Configuration Text File

2.1 A Simple Sample File
The following text file was created using Windows Notepad application and
demonstrates the essence of the configuration file:

• The first line resets ULTM to its default values.
• The second line instructs ULTM to set its EMPTY LEVEL to a distance of 6.0


• The third line instructs ULTM to set its FULL LEVEL to a distance of 0.70 meters.

If you are unfamiliar with terms such as empty level or full level, read reference
guide section Chapter 8: “Application Dimensions and Constraints” (p.14). Next is
a slightly more complex configuration file:

• The first line instructs ULTM to set its EMPTY LEVEL to a distance of

18 ft (5.5 m).

• The second line instructs ULTM to set its FULL LEVEL to a distance of

1.5 ft (0.45 m).

• The third line instructs ULTM to set up the destination phone number to

+49-1-1234567 (10 digits only).

• The forth and last line instructs ULTM to set up SMS interval time to 1800


• Each instruction is implemented as a specific command such as EMP or FUL.

• Each line begins, and ends, with a $ sign.
• All commands are made of capital letters.
• Each command is immediately adjacent to the first $ sign.
• There is a blank between the command and the related parameter.
• There is a blank between the parameter and the ending $ sign.
Do not forget to press Enter after the last line.

The next example looks fine but the Enter button was not pressed. This will cause
an error.

2.2 Multi Value Commands
Some configuration items are assembled from two values or more. For example,
the dimensions of a vertical cylindrical tank (prefix CYLV) are height and diameter.
These two values are both included with a comma between the two values. The
next figure illustrates the use of the comma.

The third line instructs ULTM to set the tank as a vertical cylindrical tank with height
of 4.5 meter and diameter of 3.00 meters. The last item instructs ULTM to display
volume results (rather then level or distance). The comma should always separate
between values.

3. Download Operation

3.1 General Procedure
ULTM can be configured by downloading the text configuration file from your PC
into ULTM. The previous chapter described the making of the configuration file.
This chapter describes the download procedure. The download process can be
preformed using HyperTerminal – a Microsoft


standard application which is part of

most operating systems such as Windows XP



Prior to using the HyperTerminal, you must connect ULTM to the PC and install a
USB-Serial driver on the PC. You can do that by following the instructions in the
Chapter 8: “USB driver installation on a PC” (p.13).

You should find out the COM port number that ULTM is using on the PC. ULTM
must be in the measurement screen during download procedure. Two PC
applications trying to access ULTM will conflict with each other. Avoid having two
such applications running at the same time.

3.2 Launching and Setting Up HyperTerminal
This section assumes you are using Windows XP


. Similar procedures apply to

other operating systems.

3.2.1 Go to Start Menu and then Open Programs.
3.2.2 Open Accessories, then Open Communications then Open HyperTerminal.
3.2.3 Press NO when asked about “default telnet program”.
3.2.4 When prompt for a name, choose any name and press OK.
3.2.5 In the next window “Connect to”, select the COM port that you intend to use

for ULTM. This part is described in the next figure:

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