Caleffi 635 User Manual
Page 2

Valve body
Mise en place
Power supply:
230 V or 24 V (+10% -15%) - 50 Hz
Absorbed power:
max 11 W
(The higher power value of 11 W relates to the pick-up during the opening
phase and the lower one of 4 W represents the holding value absorbed
with the valve open).
Capacity of the auxiliary microswitch contacts:
6 (3) A
Protection class code Nr. 6300.:
IP 42 - IP 44 (in vertical position)
Protection class
code Nr. 6301.:
IP 20
Opening time:
120–180 s
Closing time:
90–150 s
Maximum ambient temperature:
Maximum wire temperature:
Conforms to Normes/Directives:
EN 60730-1 • EN 60730-2-14
2006/95/CE • 2004/108/CE
Supply cable:
4x0,75 mm
- lenght 90 cm
2x0,75 mm
- lenght 90 cm
Nell'installazione in cassette occorre lasciare uno spazio sufficiente fra
comando e telaio per una eventuale manutenzione o sostituzione. Nel
montaggio della valvola sull'impianto si deve rispettare il senso del fluido
indicato sul corpo. La valvola non va mai collegata con lo stelo rivolto
verso il basso. Durante la messa in servizio della valvola è opportuno
simulare le funzioni di comando agendo sul termoregolatore. Per la
verifica del funzionamento occorre attendere alcuni minuti essendo il
servocomando a funzionamento lento (da 1,5 a 3 minuti). Anche in caso
di smontaggio della testina procedere dopo almeno 3 minuti dal momento
che si è interrotto il collegamento.
When installing the equipment in a box sufficient space must be left
between the actuator and frame so that maintenance work and
replacements can be carried out. When fitting the valve to the system the
direction of the fluid shown on the body must be observed. The valve is
never connected with the stem turned downwards. When the valve is put
into operation, it is advisable to simulate the control functions by
operating the thermoregulator. A few minutes must be allowed for
checking the operation as the actuator operates slowly (from 1,5 to 3
minutes). When dismantling the head also wait for at least 3 minutes from
the time that the connection is interrupted before proceeding.
Max. working pressure:
10 bar
Medium peak temperature:
Max. differential pressure:
100 kPa (10,2 m w.g.)
Ø 1/2" , 3/4", 1", with union
Bottom 3-way connection:
3/4” F
Medium working temperature range:
Ambient temperatures: - Operation:
0–55°C EN 60721-3-3 Class 3K3
max. umidity 85%
- Transport:
-20–70°C EN 60721-3-2 Class 2K3
max. umidity 95%
- Storage:
-5–50°C EN 60721-3-1 Class 1K2
max. umidity 95%