West Control Solutions MRC 8000 User Manual
Page 62

Er13 - RTD CAL5 Input
1. Check that resistance device is of the correct value
and properly connected to the instrument and is
within the tolerance limits as indicated in the CAL5
procedure of the Calibration section (page 49).
2. Turn off the power to the instrument and open the
cover. Loosen the platen hold down screw and swing
the platen open. Inspect the Processor board
(Appendix A-1, page 62) to insure that the input
conditioning jumpers are in the correct position for the
RTD input for the Terminal Board being calibrated.
For TB 4, JU4 should be in the non-volt position and
JU6 in the RTD position. For TB 5, JU5 should be in
the non-volt position and JU7 in the RTD position.
3. Perform the CAL5 procedure as described in the
Calibration section (page 49).
Er14 - Cold Junction
1. Perform the CAL3 procedure as described in the
Compensation Error
Calibration section (page 48).
Er15 - Ground Reference
1. Perform the CAL2 procedure as described in the
Tolerance Error
Calibration section (page 47).
Er16 - Program/ASEt Mode
1. Record all Program, Tune and Alarm Set mode
parameters. Checksum Error
Perform CAL 1 procedure as described in the
Calibration section (page 47). Re-enter all
Er17 - Calibration
1. Perform the calibration procedures that are
Checksum Error
needed for the input sensors that will be used (page
Er36 - Incorrect Crystal
1. Turn off the power to the instrument, wait 5 seconds,
For Digital Comm.
then turn the power on.
Er37 - Incorrect Micro.
1. Turn off the power to the instrument wait 5 seconds,
For Digital Comm.
then turn the power on.
Er38 - Incorrect RAM
1. Turn off the power to the instrument, wait 5 seconds,
for profiler
then turn the power on.
2. Re-configure for non-profiler.
Momentary Er70 -
1. May occur when incrementing or decrementing a
Controller unable to respond
value. Error clears itself.
within 250 milliseconds
Momentary Er71 -
1. Computer program must wait longer for a response
Byte received before the
from the instrument.
response was transmitted