Jenway 73 Series PC software User Manual
Page 59
It is possible to zoom in on areas of interest on the graph by clicking on the graph and holding down
the left mouse key then dragging the mouse over the required area.
To reset the chart to the original scale click on
Chart on the toolbar at the top of the screen, then
click on Reset. The chart will return to the original
scale. The chart can also be copied or saved as
an individual file to be used in reports etc by
clicking on Chart on the toolbar at the top of the
screen, then click on Copy or Save As Image.
Once the kinetics scan is complete the post analysis tools become active.
The kinetics post measurement tools include statistics on all or part of the kinetics run.
Using the analysis tab on the right-hand
side of the screen it is possible to view
the statics for all of the kinetics run or for
a selected part of the kinetics run. To
select the start time for analysis click the
cursor in the start time box and then click
on the start time on the graph, or use the
arrow keys to select the required time, or
type the value directly into the text box.
Repeat this process for the required end
time. The absorbance values (or %
automatically update, as well as the
absorbance rate per minute and the
correlation coefficient. The absorbance
values at the chosen start and end time
will also be shown.