Jenway 73 Series PC software User Manual
Page 35
The spectrum measurement mode displays the result both graphically and in tabular format.
It is possible to zoom in on areas of interest on the graph by clicking on the graph and holding down
the left mouse key then dragging the mouse over the required area.
To reset the chart to the original scale click on
Chart on the toolbar at the top of the screen, then
click on Reset. The chart will return to the original
scale. The chart can also be copied or saved as
an individual file to be used in reports etc by
clicking on Chart on the toolbar at the top of the
screen, then click on Copy or Save As Image.
The spectrum post measurement tools include peaks and valleys threshold, peaks and valleys
table and spectral points analysis.
Peaks and Valleys threshold level
This function enables the peaks and valleys
threshold to be set at 1, 5, 10% or turned off. If a
5% threshold is selected then only peaks and
valleys above this threshold will be displayed in
the peaks and valleys table.
If the threshold is
turned off then all peaks and valleys are shown in
the peaks and valleys table.
Putting a tick in the box adjacent to Show the
stationary points will label the peaks and valleys.
To select the peaks and valleys threshold click on
the arrow on the drop down box and select the
required threshold level.