Jenway 7315 Manual Italian User Manual
Page 64

7. Cut a small length of the sipper pump tube and push
this over one end of the capillary tube. Connect this to
the inlet port of the flow-through cuvette.
8. Route the tube into the two retaining clips located on
the base plate at the side of the pump head.
9. Fit the sipper probe and secure using the thumbscrew.
Feed the capillary tubing through the tube and up
through the sipper probe, allowing sufficient length for it
to pass into a suitable receptacle.
For pumping:
1. Cut two pieces of sipper pump tubing approximately
300mm in length. Take one length of tubing and fit this
to the pump head, as shown, securing the tubing using
the clip on the right hand side of the pump head.
2. Ease the tubing round the rollers carefully rotating
them clockwise, by hand. Clamp the tubing into the clip
on the left hand side of the motor.
3. Fit the other end onto the inlet port on the flow-
through cuvette.
4. Fit the second 300mm length of tubing to the outlet
port of the flow-through cuvette. Once secured, ensure
the tubing is routed into the two retaining clips located
on the base plate at the side of the pump head.
5. Fit the other end of the tubing onto the outlet port,
located on the inside of the front bulkhead.
6. Connect a suitable length of sipper pump tubing to
the external outlet port.
7. Insert one end of the capillary tube into the sipper
pump tubing, as shown.
8. Feed the other end through the inlet port located on
the inside of the bulkhead.
9. Fit the sipper probe and secure using the thumbscrew.
10. Carefully feed the tubing through the sipper probe,
allowing sufficient length for it to pass into a suitable
When the sipper accessory has been fitted and the tubing
has been connected the instrument will look like this. Combined sipper peltier pump
Refer to section for more details.