Install the pump, Prepare the flow cell – In-Situ smarTROLL Multiparameter Handheld Operators Manual User Manual
Page 64

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Install the Pump
1. Determine the static water level.
2. Install the pump in the well.
3. Start the pump and determine the optimum final pumping rate and final stabilized
drawdown from static water level. This can be calculated using a graduated
cylinder, stopwatch, and water level tape.
Prepare the Flow Cell
1. Select the barbed NPT fitting that will fit with the tubing size.
2. Tape the threads with plumbing tape.
3. Attach a fitting to the inflow port at base of the cylinder and to the outflow port at the
top of the cylinder. Tighten until hand-tight. Do not tighten with a wrench.
The 3-way valve and check valve are optional.
4. Attach the tubing.
5. Use the attachment screw to connect the flow cell to the base plate.
6. Insert the calibrated
TROLL™ MP Instrument.