Chaptertitle - chapter 2 getting started, Chapter 2, Chapter 2 getting started – In-Situ Virtual HERMIT Tutorial User Manual

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Getting Started


Chapter 2

Getting Started

Each Level TROLL used with the Virtual HERMIT software must be
configured to a unique network address. When ordering from In-Situ Rentals,
the Level TROLL instruments will arrive pre-configured and ready to use with
the software.

After initially installing and opening the software, the list of named pump tests
will be empty. When creating subsequent pump tests, you will see a list of the
pump tests that have already been created.

Each time you create a new Pump Test and collect data, the software will
remember which data logs were created with that particular Pump Test.

At any time after the logged data is created and downloaded to the computer,
the software will allow you to open the Pump Test, and view or export the

The data logs created by Virtual HERMIT software are identical to


5 data logs, except that two special tags are added to the header

of each log: the Pump Test name and Virtual HERMIT ID for that log. All of
the Virtual HERMIT logs can be opened by Win-Situ 5 and the In-Situ


Software Developer’s Kit (SDK).