Heading1 - 1.3 software concepts, 3 software concepts – In-Situ Virtual HERMIT Tutorial User Manual

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Software Overview



The Virtual HERMIT software organizes a named “Pump Test” into one or
more “Virtual HERMITs”. Each “Virtual HERMIT” may have between
1 and 16 Level TROLL instruments (Figure 4). Each Level TROLL will have a
standard Win-Situ data log associated with it.

FIGURE 4. Configuration of pump tests, “HERMITS”, and “TROLLS”

All Level TROLL instruments on a given HERMIT get the same log
configuration (type, sample interval, units of measure, scheduled start, etc.).
However, the software allows the user to configure individual level
references for each Level TROLL

For example, on Virtual HERMIT 1 we could configure a Step Linear log type
on the Level TROLL instruments. On Virtual HERMIT 2 we could configure a
Simple Linear log type on the remaining Level TROLL instruments.

After data collection begins, the logged data will always be linked to this
Pump Test. When the pump test is complete, the same Level TROLL
instruments can be used on a new pump test with a different name.

Pump test

Virtual HERMIT 1

Virtual HERMIT 2

Level TROLLs 1

through 16, if


Level TROLLs 1

through 16, if
