In-Situ Virtual HERMIT Tutorial User Manual
Page 34
• Export HERMIT notes—the notes added to the Virtual HERMIT screen,
those notes saved on the hard drive (not the notes in the log files), will be
exported to the text file.
Step 2—Set the Export Time Intervals, Resolve Time Stamps
The second export wizard screen shown below allows you to choose the
export time and data processing methods used to generate the export file.
Export by Time Interval or Export by Step
• When you choose to export by interval, you can select the start and stop
time of the exported data.
• When you choose to export by step, select which step of the pump test
you want to export. The steps are determined by the step times of the
TROLL designated as the Pump Well TROLL.
• Use UTC—tells the software to display the interval and exported times
in UTC.
• Ignore DST—tells the software to ignore Daylight Savings Time offsets
when exporting or displaying time. This eliminates the backward/
forward jumps in time values when data crosses a daylight/standard
time boundary.
• Available Interval—displays the time of the first and last available data
values for export.
Exported Time Stamps/Resolve Non-Matching Time Stamps
The time stamp values exported into the text file can be at a fixed interval or
can be the actual logged time stamps of records from a selected Level
TROLL. By default, the Pump Well TROLL is selected.
• Use Fixed Interval—starting from the first data point, the time stamp
values for the exported data will be at the fixed interval selected. For time
values that do not match exactly the times of the logged data, the data