Hired-Hand Evolution Series Bird Scale Quick-Start Guide User Manual

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Manual No. 4801-3008 Rev 8-08

Evolution Bird Scale Quick Start Manual

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Enter the Number of Scales Connected to the Controller.

• Use the arrow keys to select the "8. Installation" menu from the

main menu then press the right-arrow key. This menu is only
accessible from the installer mode.

• Press the right-arrow key once again to select the "1. # Of Scales"


• Use the adjustment buttons to set the proper number scales.

Adjustable from 1 to 4 scales.


Define Weight Groups.

• Use the arrow keys to select the "8. Installation" menu from the main menu then press the right-arrow key

(only accessible from the installer mode).

• Use the arrow keys to select the "2. Weigh Groups" menu then

press right-arrow key.

• If coming from the step above (# Of Scales), press the back arrow

once, press the down arrow once then press the right arrow.

• Use the adjustment buttons to set the following parameters:

# of Groups:
This is the number of additional pairs of groups that are added to
the basic groups Select the number of weight groups as follows:
: Total number of groups = 3
: Total number of groups = 5
: Total number of groups = 7

Group Size Mode:
Set the group size mode: % or Absolute mode. It is strongly
recommended using the relative group size (%) since this mode avoids
having to change the weight limits as the bird grow

Average group:
Select the weight range (in pounds or in % depending on the chosen group
size) over which a bird is considered as being part of the average group.

Group 1:
Select the weight range (in pounds or in %) above/below the average group
that defines the first additional weight group (overweight 1/ underweight 1).
This menu is only shown if at least 1 additional group has been enabled
Group 2:
Select the weight range (in pounds or in %) above/below the
oveverweight1/ underweight 1 groups that defines the second additional
group (overweight 2/ underweight 2). This menu is only shown if at least 2
additional groups have been enabled above.
Recommended % setting would be 5% for average group, 7% for group 1
and 9% for group 2.

8. Installation

2. Weigh groups

8.2 Weigh Groups
# of groups: 2
Group size mode: %
Average group 5
Group 1 7
Group 2 9

Main Menu
Bird Weigher Vx.x

8. Installation

8. Installation

1. # of scale

8.1 Installation
# of scales



1 Max: 4