Hired-Hand Farm Hand Series: Data Shuttle Launch Pad User Manual
Page 5

Part No. 4801-0165 Rev 7-02
Data Shuttle Launch Pad
7. Programming the Data Shuttle for Stand-Alone Temperature Recording
This section covers the steps necessary to program the
Data Shuttle to record temperatures using the internal
sensor or an external temperature probe.
The Data Shuttle can be programmed for recording by
clicking on the menu item Program Data Shuttle or by
using the icon from the tool bar or by pressing Function
key F5. The Data Shuttle Wizard window will appear.
7.1 Data Shuttle Wizard
The Data Shuttle Wizard will lead you
through the steps necessary to program the
Data Shuttle. The Wizard first requests the
way you want to use the Data Shuttle. For
stand-alone temperature recording with the
internal sensor or with an external probe,
check the upper option.
To operate the Data Shuttle in conjunction
with a Farm Hand controller to record
settings or temperatures from a Farm Hand
controller, or to use the Data Shuttle to
program Farm Hand controllers or
temperature ramp, select the second
option. See Section 9 for a discussion on programming the Data Shuttle for use with a
Farm Hand controller. To proceed click Next.
7.2 Data Shuttle Wizard – Set Your Interval
The Data Shuttle requires the time period
between each temperature sample. The
period is entered in the Interval text boxes
by typing the number of hours, minutes and
After entering the Interval, the Duration text
box will show the total time period that can
be recorded given the specific interval that is
entered. In the example shown, a 15 minute
sample interval will result in the 32 Kbyte
Data Shuttle recording for 48 weeks, 5 days,
7 hours and 45 minutes. The shortest
interval that can be entered is 20 seconds.
The field Type a description for the
Shuttle allows up to a 39 character name for the temperature data. This name will be
programmed into the Shuttle and will be read along with the recorded temperature at the
time the data is read back into the Launch Pad software.
If Enable Multiple Sampling is NOT selected, the Shuttle will record the temperature at
the end of the interval specified. When this option is selected, the Shuttle will take
twenty data samples during the specified interval. These 20 samples are recorded depend
on the selection of the Multiple Sampling option.