Hired-Hand Farm Hand Series: Data Shuttle Launch Pad User Manual
Page 10

Part No. 4801-0165 Rev 7-02
Data Shuttle Launch Pad
Drag the
to adjust
Drag the
mouse to
needles or
click the Up
& Down
The General window sets the high and low static pressure that the power vent will use.
The units of Static Pressure can be set to Inches of Water, Millimeters of Water or
Pascals. See Section 15. The pressures can be adjusted by moving the pointers, by
dragging the mouse, or by clicking on the up and down arrows next to the Pressure
Limit text boxes. If the Use Ramped Values is checked, the parameters entered on the
Ramping window will be used and the High and Low Pressure Limits set in the window
are ignored. The following parameters can be set using this window:
High Pressure Limit - Exceeding the high (negative) pressure limit causes the controller
to further open the vents.
Low Pressure Limit - Exceeding the low pressure limit causes the controller to further
close the vents.
Vent Time Delay - The length of time a pressure reading must be out of range before the
controller will operate the vents.
10.2 RAMPING Window
This window applies to
: Î
Farm Hand Power Vent with Ramping
This window is selected by clicking on the Ramping tab at the top of the window.
The window is used to set the High and Low Outside Temperature Limits and adjust
the Low and High Pressure Limit for each Low and High Outside temperature limit.
The following parameters can be set using this window:
The High Outside Temperature - The temperature the controller will use with the
corresponding high and low pressure limits.
Low Pressure Limit - The lower limit for pressure when outside temperature is
at the high temperature limit.
High Pressure Limit - The upper limit for pressure when outside temperature is
at the high temperature limit.
The Units of Pressure
are shown on the
General window.