2 checking with integral indicator, 3 status information available for hart 7, Checking with integral indicator -2 – Yokogawa EJX115A User Manual
Page 49: Status information available for hart 7, Hart 7
<4. Diagnostics>
IM 01C25T01-06EN
4.1.2 Checking with Integral Indicator
If an error is detected by running self-diagnostics,
an error number is displayed on the integral
indicator. If there is more than one error, the error
number changes at three-second intervals.
See table 4.3.1 regarding the alarm codes.
Figure 4.1
Integral Indicator
4.1.3 Status information available for
Status added to HART 7 is explained below.
(1) Device Status
Device Status indicates the current operating
status of the device. (Refer to Table 4.7)
Table 4.10 indicates the relationship between
alarm and Device Status.
• Procedure to call up the display
DD and DTM
[Root Menu] → Diag/Service → Test
device (DD only) → Status → Device
(2) Extended Device Status
Ext dev status contains commonly used
device information. (Refer to Table 4.8)
Table 4.10 indicates the relationship between
alarm and Extended Device Status.
• Procedure to call up the display
DD and DTM
[Root Menu] → Diag/Service → Test
device (DD only) → Status → Ext dev
(3) Data quality and Limit status
The transmitter can handle PV (Pres), SV (SP),
TV (Snsr temp), % rnge (Percent Range), and
Loop current. Each variable contains data
quality and limit status for providing useful
status about the data value. The data quality
is normally “Good”. However, in the case of a
sensor failure or out of measurement range,
it turns to “Bad” or “Poor Accuracy”. The limit
status indicates whether the data value is
limited (i.e., not responding to the process).
When the limit status is “Constant”, the value
will not be changed. For detail, refer to Table 4.9
and 4.10.
• Procedure to call up the display
[Dynamic Variables]
DD and DTM
[Root Menu] → Process variables
→ Device variables and Status →
→ PV (Pres)
Data Quality
Good, Poor Accuracy, Manual/
Fixed, or Bad is displayed.
→ PV (Pres) Limit
Constant, Low Limit, High Limit, or
Not Limited is displayed.
It is the same about the SV (SP) and TV (Temp), %
rnge (Percent Range), and Loop current
(4) Time Stamp
Time Stamp displays the date and the time
information which the transmitter maintains
from the time of the power on.
It is used as the additional information of the
process value and the event.
• Procedure to call up the display
DD and DTM
[Root Menu] → Diag/Service →
Test device (DD only) → Status →
Time Stamp
→ Current Date
It shows the number of operating
→ Current Time
It shows the running time.
Time Stamp is reset when powering on.