Chapter 4, Ethernet communications, Getting started – Watlow Series PD Ethernet Enabled Temperature and Process Controller User Manual

Page 22

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W a t l o w S e r i e s P D


C h a p t e r 4 E t h e r n e t C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Network security is a critical issue for any network. Be sure to work with your network administrator

to ensure that you follow best security practices to ensure a secure network environment. Here are some
items to consider when installing Ethernet based controls on any network.

Use private IP addresses.

Separate the process network(s) from business network(s).

If external access is required, then have a single point of access to the process network.

External access points should be protected by a firewall.

External access points should be protected by a layer 3 switch.

Access to the Internet should be indirect, going through an access point to the business

network on the way.

Separate processes or cells using VLANs.

Run virus protection software on all PC's on the process network.

Using an HTTP Browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher,

you may access the Series PD and view controller parameters via an onboard Web (HTTP) server.

The Series PD supports full product configuration and monitoring of runtime parameters via MOD-

BUS TCP over TCP/IP using a third party software package such as Lookout™, created and sold by Na-
tional Instruments.

The 10BaseT Ethernet connection supports the TCP/IP stack. At the application layer it has an HTTP

(web) and Modbus server. The HTTP server provides a means of changing runtime parameters via
HTML. The TCP/IP stack supports DHCP client, AutoIP, static IP, DNS client, and Netbios name resolu-
tion. The 10BaseT connector is an RJ45 per the IEEE 802.3 specification.

Getting Started

1. Connect the Series PD to your computer's Ethernet port using a cross-wired RJ45 cable or connect the

Series PD to a switch/hub or network using a straight wired RJ45 Category 5 cable. The Series PD is
limited to a 10BaseT connection and will not work on an Ethernet port set for 100BaseT only. Use of a
10/100 switch/hub will overcome this issue if your PC has only a 100BaseT port.

2. Wire a 24V‡ (ac/dc) power supply to the Series PD power terminals. See wiring section.

3. Wire sensor inputs and controller outputs. See wiring section.

4. Power up the controller, switch/hub and PC.

5. Start your Internet browser. Enter the Browse at address of the Series PD into the browser’s address

field. See figure on next page for the Browse at address location on the left side label. Two different
Netbios names may be used to access the Series PD. Either PDxxxxxx, where xxxxxx is the first six
digits of the serial number, located on the left side label, or WATxxxxxx, where xxxxxx is the last six
digits of the Series PD MAC address. The MAC address is also printed on the left side label of the Se-
ries PD in the form xx:xx:xx:xx. See figure on next page.

Note: If you are not using a DHCP server, it may take several minutes for both the Series PD and your computer to
get their IP addresses.

Ethernet Communications