Set com mu ni ca tions pa ram e ters com mand 31, En able hand shak ing com mand 31, Set op er ating mode com mand 31 – Maple Systems MAP450D User Manual

Page 32: Set line ter mi na tor com mand 31, Gen eral pur pose con trol com mands 31, Echo back text com mand 31, Set communications parameters control command 31, Set operating mode control command 31, Echo back text 31, Enable handshaking 31

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Set Communications Parameters Command


B baud parity databits terminator


0 = no change, 1 = 300 baud, 2 = 600 baud, 3 = 1200 baud,

4 = 2400 baud, 5 = 4800 baud, 6 = 9600 baud, 7 = 19200 baud


0 = no change, 1 = space, 2 = mark, 3 = even, 4 = odd, 5 = none

data bits:

0 = no change, 1 = 7 data bits (1 stop bit if parity, 2 if no parity),

2 = 8 data bits & 1 stop bit

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to change the OIT’s baud rate, parity, and data bits.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “B652”; CHR(2)

Enable Handshaking Command


H handshaking terminator

handshaking: 0 = all handshaking disabled

1 = software handshaking (XON/XOFF) enabled (Interactive mode)

2 = hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS) enabled (Interactive and Block


3 = software and hardware handshaking enabled (Interactive mode)

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to enable or disable serial handshaking.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “H0”; CHR(2)

Set Operating Mode Command


M mode address terminator


0 = no change, 1 = interactive, 2 = block, 3 = network


01 to FF (ASCII hexadecimal)

Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to change the OIT’s operating mode and

network address.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “1”; CHR(2)

Set Line Terminator Command


T lineterminator terminator

line terminator: 0 =


, 1 =


, 2 =


, 3 =


Response: none

Description: Allows the host controller to change the line terminator.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “T1”; CHR(2)

General Purpose Control Commands

Echo Back Text Command


e text terminator

Response: text terminator

Description: Causes the OIT to echo back the ASCII characters sent (up to 40

characters). Each character is stored by the OIT until the terminator is received,

at which time the entire string is sent back to the host controller.

Example: PRINT CHR(27); “eHello!”; CHR(2)


MAP450D Operation Manual

1010-0101, Rev. 00