Wireless status (optional smt-pk) – AMX Wireless Touch Panels (Wave Server) User Manual
Page 76
Touch Panel Program Reference
ViewPoint Wireless Touch Panels
from left to right as the RF signal intensity increases. The shaded area
fluctuates between 0% and 100%.
Wireless status (optional SMT-PK)
The WIRELESS STATUS button appears on the Setup page when a SmartPack is
connected to the touch panel. Press the WIRELESS STATUS button to open the
optional page shown in Figure 91.
Refer to the SmartPacks for TiltScreen Touch Panels instruction manual for detailed
information. The SmartPack page shows the following information:
Press the UP and DN buttons to set the time-out. The
minimum time-out is 1 minute and maximum is 120 minutes. When the
panel goes to sleep, all communication and battery discharge stops. If the
time-out is set to 5, the panel goes into sleep mode if there is no activity for 5
minutes. The panel wakes up when you touch the screen.
Smart-Pak Not Locked/Locked
Appears when an optional SMT-PK is
connected to the panel. Not locked indicates the panel is not communicating
with the AXR-RF RF receiver. Locked indicates the panel is locked on to the
AXR-RF connected to the Central Controller.
Battery Voltage XX.X
Shows the voltage level of the lead-acid
rechargeable battery in the SMT-PK.
This SMT-PK page provides
read-only information about
the Smart Pack. The only
setting that can be changed is
the SLEEP TIMEOUT value.
Figure 90
SMT-PKM page