Estore, Ystems from a, Inux – IEI Integration AFL2-17A-H61 v1.11 User Manual

Page 261: Erver through

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AFL2-17A/AB-H61 P a n e l P C

P a g e 242

C.6 Re s to re S ys te m s fro m a Lin u x S e rve r th ro u g h LAN

The One Key Recovery allows a client system to automatically restore to a factory default

image saved in a Linux system (the server) through LAN connectivity after encountering a

Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) or a hang for around 10 minutes. To be able to use this

function, the client system and the Linux system MUST reside in the same domain.


The supported client OS includes:

 Windows 2000

 Windows 7

 Windows XP

 Windows CE

 Windows Vista

 Windows XP Embedded

Prior to restoring client systems from a Linux server, a few setup procedures are required.

S te p 1:

Configure DHCP server settings

S te p 2:

Configure TFTP settings

S te p 3:

Configure One Key Recovery server settings

S te p 4:


S te p 5:

Create a shared directory

S te p 6:

Setup a client system for auto recovery

The detailed descriptions are described in the following sections. In this document, two

types of Linux OS are used as examples to explain the configuration process – CentOS

5.5 (Kernel 2.6.18) and Debian 5.0.7 (Kernel 2.6.26).