C.4 setup procedure for linux, Etup, Rocedure for – IEI Integration AFL2-17A-H61 v1.11 User Manual

Page 253: Inux, Figure c-29: partitions for linux

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P a g e 234

C.4 S e tu p P ro c e d u re fo r Lin u x

The initial setup procedure for Linux system is mostly the same with the procedure for

Microsoft Windows. Please follow the steps below to setup recovery tool for Linux OS.

S te p 1:

Hardware and BIOS setup. Refer to Section C.2.1.

S te p 2:

Install Linux operating system. Make sure to install GRUB (v0.97 or earlier)

MBR type and Ext3 partition type. Leave enough space on the hard drive to

create the recover partition later.


If the Linux OS is not installed with GRUB (v0.97 or earlier) and Ext3,

the Symantec Ghost may not function properly.

While installing Linux OS, please create two partitions:

 Partition 1: /

 Partition 2: SWAP


Please reserve enough space for partition 3 for saving recovery


Figure C-29: Partitions for Linux