11 led bar driver installation, River, Nstallation – IEI Integration AFL2-17A-H61 v1.11 User Manual

Page 208: Figure 9-46: installation complete, 11 led ba r drive r in s ta lla tio n

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AFL2-17A/AB-H61 P a n e l P C

P a g e 189

Figure 9-46: Installation Complete

S te p 13:

Click FINISH to complete installation.

9.11 LED Ba r Drive r In s ta lla tio n

To install the LED bar driver, please do the following.

S te p 1:

Access the driver list shown in Figure 9-1 (See Section 9.2).

S te p 2:

Click “LED Bar”.

S te p 3:

Locate the setup file and double click on it.

S te p 4:

The InstallShield Wizard starts (Figure 9-47).