3 light fanless technology design – IEI Integration AFL2-W21-H61 User Manual

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1.1.3 Lig h t Fa n le s s Te c h n o lo g y De s ig n

AFL2-W21A/AB-H61 series panel PCs are designed with light fanless technology. The

light fanless technology utilizes K-type thermocouple temperature sensor to detect

environment temperature and control fan operation, enhancing system stability and

remote environment control. The relative errors between the detect environment

temperature and the actual environment temperature are no more than ±5 degrees. When

the environment temperature is lower than default temperature setting, the fan will be

switched off, showing the advantage of quiet and dust free from fanless mode. While the

environment temperature is higher, the smart fan will be turned on to speed up heat

emission. The default temperature is 32 C and the setting can be adjusted in BIOS. See

Section 7.3.9. The systems can be easily implemented in the working environments that

require quiet and avoid dirt, like clean room, indoor HMI, and hospital.