Ap033 performance verification test record – Teledyne LeCroy AP033 User Manual
Page 39

Operator’s Manual
922260-00 Rev A
9. Calculate the Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) at 70 Hz by dividing 8,000 mV by the
measured Common Mode Signal recorded in step C-8 (direct reciprocal of the Common Mode
Gain). Record the result to two-digit resolution (xx,000 : 1) in the Test Record.
10. Verify that the Common Mode Rejection Ratio at 70 Hz is greater than 3,160:1 (70 dB).
11. Set the oscilloscope to display channel 2. Change the horizontal scale factor to 0.5 s/division.
Set the BWL on channels 1 and 2 to 200 MHz.
12. Change the frequency of the Function Generator to 1 MHz.
13. Adjust the trigger level as necessary for a stable display. Adjust the Function Generator
amplitude as needed to maintain 8.0V pk-pk as measured on channel 2.
14. Turn off the oscilloscope channel 2 display; turn on the display of channel 1 and Math
waveform A (averaged channel 1). Adjust the scale factor of channel 1 and the Zoom of Math A
as necessary to accurately measure the amplitude of the averaged waveform.
15. Record the displayed ‘Common Mode Signal at 1 MHz’ to two-digit resolution in the Test
16. Calculate the Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) at 1 MHz by dividing 8,000 mV by the
measured Common Mode Signal recorded in step C-22. Record the result in the Test Record.
17. Verify that the Common Mode Rejection Ratio at 1 MHz is greater than 1,000:1 (60 dB).
18. Remove all cables and test fixtures from the AP033 probe.
This concludes the Performance Verification of the AP033. Complete and file the results recorded
in the AP033 Performance Verification Test Record as required by your quality procedures. Apply a
suitable calibration label to the AP033 housing as required.
AP033 Performance Verification Test Record
This record can be used to record the results of measurements made during the performance
verification of the AP033 Active Differential Probe.
Photocopy the next page and record the results on the copy. File the completed record as required
by applicable internal quality procedures.
The section in the test record corresponds to the parameters tested in the performance verification
procedure. The numbers preceding the individual data records correspond to the steps in the
procedure that require the recording of data. Results to be recorded in the column labeled “Test
Result” are the actual specification limit check. The test limits are included in all of these steps.
Other measurements and the results of intermediate calculations that support the limit check are
to be recorded in the column labeled “Intermediate Results.”
Permission is granted to reproduce these pages for the purpose of recording test results.