Procedure – Teledyne LeCroy AP033 User Manual
Page 29

Operator’s Manual
922260-00 Rev A
Note: You can fabricate the Adjustment Tool by flattening the end of a 0.025 in. (0.635 mm)
square pin with a file. Insert the pin into a short length of rigid plastic tubing to serve as a handle.
1. Attach the AP033 to the test oscilloscope. If the test oscilloscope is not equipped with ProBus,
use the ADPPS to provide power for the AP033.
2. Attach the
Attenuator Adapter to the AP033 probe tip.
3. Insert 0.025 in. (0.635 mm) square pins into the +, -, and input connectors of the
Attenuator Adapter.
4. Attach the interconnect cable to the output of the signal source.
5. Attach the Trigger Out signal from the signal source to the External Trigger Input of the test
oscilloscope. If the signal source does not have a separate Trigger Out signal, use a BNC Tee
connector in the output. Run one cable to the External Trigger Input of the test oscilloscope.
Connect the other to the probe inputs.
6. Using the alligator clips on the end of the interconnect cable, connect the signal source ground
to the square pin on the
Attenuator Adapter’s “-“ input. Attach the signal output to the
square pin on the
Attenuator Adapter’s “+” input.
7. Turn on the test oscilloscope. Set the AP033 GAIN to X10. The EFFECTIVE GAIN indicator for
should be lit. (NOTE: If the X1 EFFECTIVE GAIN indicator is lit rather than the
÷10, make
sure that the adapter installed on the probe tip is the
Attenuator, and not the AC
8. Set the test oscilloscope Volts/Div to 200 mV (for Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes with ProBus)
or 20 mV/Div when using the ADPPS with an oscilloscope without scale factor correction; 5
s/Div; AUTO trigger mode; Trigger source: External. Set the Bandwidth Limiting to 20-30 MHz
and Average the waveform 1:31 to reduce noise.
9. Turn on the signal source. Set the output frequency to approximately 5 kHz. Set the output
amplitude to approximately 1 Volt.
10. Adjust the test oscilloscope trigger level for a stable trace. If necessary, use the probe offset to
position the waveform to show the square corner of the test signal.
NOTE: Do not use the oscilloscope offset or position controls to reposition the trace. Many of
the signal generators used for compensation calibration only have square corners on one of the
two edges of the output waveform. (Rising or falling edge, but not both.) Be sure to display the
correct edge for this step.