Operation, Third party sola control – Fulton Pulse HW (PHW) Fully Condensing Hydronic Boiler User Manual
Page 57

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Third Party SOLA Control
The Pulse SOLA Control provides the capability of control
and/or monitoring by a third party. The standard SOLA control
protocol is Modbus.
Lead/Lag Outdoor Reset Confi guration Using
Communication Port 2
If the boilers are set up to be lead/lag with outdoor reset
all the communication connections on the J3 plug of the
SOLA control will be used. Third party control can be wired
to the SOLA display on communication port 2. If requested
at the time of the boiler order, the communication port will
be activated at the factory. Only the baud rate may have to
be changed in the fi eld. When the boilers are confi gured
for lead/lag outdoor reset, only the master boiler needs
to have the third party connection. Multiple points of the
lag boilers can be viewed from the Master boiler. Refer to
Figure 52. Figure 52 shows wiring connection to the display’s
communication port 2. Use the website link and/or QR code
in this section of the manual to access additional information
on setting up the communication port 2.
Stand Alone Boilers Controlled by a Third Party
If the boilers are not set up to be lead/lag outdoor reset, a
third party control can land connection to J3, MB1 on the
SOLA control. If this is known at the time the boiler order
is entered, the control will be set up for this type of control.
Please refer to Figure 52 for J3, MB1 connections. The
communication wires can be daisy chained to each boiler. Use
the website link and/or QR code in this section of the manual
to access additional information on setting up the MB1.
Fulton off ers (as an option) a Modbus to Bacnet gateway.
The gateway will come pre-programmed and wired in one,
or if desired, all of the boilers. If the boilers are daisy chained
together through J3, MB1 one gateway can be used on the
master boiler which will be wired to communication port 2
of the master display. Use the website link and/or QR code
in this section of the manual to access additional information
on pre-programmed gateway information (read and write
addresses) and setup instructions.
NOTE: Although there are many points that are available
through Modbus, special care must be taken when writing
to them. There are specifi c write addresses that will utilize
an internal Sola control EEPROM. The Sola control requires
a write command only when the user intends to change a
value. Continuously writing to the control will fi ll the SOLA’s
EEPROM memory, causing various non-safety parameters to
change. All of the information out of the control is in Celsius;
this may have to be converted to Fahrenheit if desired. Firing
rate also requires a conversion. Please refer to the website link
and QR code for more information.