Installation, Venting terminations – Fulton Vantage (VTG) Fully Condensing Hydronic Boiler User Manual

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1. Precautions must be taken to ensure the prevention of fl ue gases from

traveling back through idle boilers (fl ue gas recirculation, FGR). Looking
at the condition of all boilers on at high fi re condition will facilitate the
selection of the diameter of the stack that is appropriate; however there is
still a risk of FGR that needs to be managed. Options to consider for this
management include the following:

 Mechanical draft assist systems (exhaust fans).

 Stainless steel dampers installed in the individual stack sections prior to

the common header connection. Damper must be controlled so that
it will close when a boiler is disabled or idle.

 Other solutions can be considered as long as the precautions to prevent

FGR have been thoroughly evaluated.


Consider all possible draft conditions (based on the modulation

and quantity of the boilers). When doing pressure drop calculations for a
system of boilers sharing air intake or exhaust piping, it is important for
the designer and provider of the draft system to consider the full scope of
possibilities that can be experienced by that system. This includes looking
at the condition of one boiler on at a low fi re condition and all units on at a
high fi re condition.

Venting Terminations

Adhere to the following for installation:

1. All vent pipes and fi ttings must be installed with appropriate air space

clearances to combustibles. These air space clearances apply to indoor or
outdoor vents—whether they are open, enclosed, horizontal or vertical
or pass through fl oors, walls, roofs, or framed spaces (See Figures 12 and
13). The air space clearances should be observed to joists, studs, sub
fl oors, plywood, drywall or plaster enclosures, insulating sheathing, rafters,
roofi ng, and any other material classed as combustible.

2. The required minimum air space clearances also apply to electrical wires

and any kind of building insulation.

3. Adequate provision must be made to support the weight of the exhaust

venting. It cannot be supported by the boiler exhaust connection.

4. Listed termination parts must be used.

5. Select the air intake point of penetration where a minimum of 1/4” per foot

(2.12 cm/m) upward pitch can be maintained.

6. When penetrating a non-combustible wall, the hole through the wall must

be large enough to maintain the pitch of the vent and provide sealing. Use
adhesive material to seal around the vent on both sides of the wall. When
penetrating a combustible wall, a wall thimble must be used. See Figure 13



All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct, and strict
adherence to applicable jurisdictional/
professional codes and regulations.