Installation, Exhaust venting, Common venting layouts for vantage – Fulton Vantage (VTG) Fully Condensing Hydronic Boiler User Manual

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© The Fulton Companies 2013





undissolved particles or any foreign matter that adversely aff ects the joint
strength or chemical resistance of the cement. The cement must not show
gelation, stratifi cation, or separation that cannot be removed by stirring.

6. Adhere to procedure for cementing joints (per ASTM D2855).

Exhaust Venting

The Vantage is equipped with a vent connection (Figure 4) at the lower rear of
the boiler.

Adhere to the following for installation:

1. The Vantage is a Category IV appliance, thus venting material must be

appropriate for condensing, positive pressure applications. Any venting
material supplied for the Vantage boiler must be AL29-4C or 316L SS, listed
and labeled to UL1738, and guaranteed appropriate for the application by
the manufacturer and supplier of the venting. It is also acceptable to vent
the Vantage Cat. II (negative pressure, condensing).

2. The exhaust line must be sloped down toward the drain with a pitch of at

least 1/4” per foot (2.12 cm/m). Failure to do so can result in a condensate
pocket, which can result in an inoperative boiler. There must be no
low spots in the exhaust pipe, as this can also result in a condensate
pocket. A high spot is acceptable, provided the pitch from the high spot
is maintained back to the boiler or to the outside point of the exhaust.
Always avoid rigid connections between piping and structural members of
the building.

3. Follow vent manufacturer’s instructions for installation of exhaust venting.

4. The condensate connection on the boiler should be piped into the stack

drain piping. The pipe from the boiler directed to the drain should be
installed at a slope of ¼” per foot (2.12 cm/m).

5. Ensure that the condensate drain piping will not be exposed to

temperatures where water/condensate will freeze in the lines.

Common Venting Layouts for Vantage

It is possible to combine the air intake and/or exhaust piping for a number of
Vantage boilers. The pressure drop across the common system (combined total
for air intake and exhaust) cannot exceed the pressure drop requirements for an
individual boiler. See Table 4.

Adhere to the following for installation:

1. Consult your venting supplier for guidance in designing common vented

installations. It is imperative to design such systems to prevent backfl ow of
exhaust gases through idle boilers.

2. Vantage boilers cannot be common vented with other equipment.

When designing a draft system for a quantity of two or more Vantage boilers,



All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct, and strict
adherence to applicable jurisdictional/
professional codes and regulations.