Agilent Technologies Option H48 Multiport Test Set Z5623A User Manual

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Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48

Advanced Topics

Using an External Computer to Control the Test Set

Write Commands:

info$=“refl_01” ‘command for reflection to port 1

length%=len(info$) ‘length of command

HpibEoi(hHpib;7,0) 'disable EOI

HpibEol(hHpib;7,””,0) 'disable EOL

HpibOutputs (hHpib;712,info$,length%)) 'send command to test set

HpibEol(hHpib;7,chr$(13)+chr$(10),2) 're-enable EOL and set to


HpibEoi(hHpib;7,1,) 're-enable EOI hHpib specifies the handle

returned byHpibOpen.

Read Commands:

info$=“id?” ‘command for test set identification.

length%=len(info$) ‘length of command

max.len% = 10 ‘max length data from id? or swxx? function.

infi$ = space$(max.len%)

HpibEoi(hHpib;7,0) 'disable EOI.

HpibEol(hHpib;7,””,0) 'disable EOL

HpibOutputs (hHpib;712,info$,length%)) 'send command to test set.

HpibEnters(hHpib%,712,infi$,max.len%) ‘get data from test set.

HpibEol(hHpib;7,chr$(13)+chr$(10),2) 're-enable EOL and set to


HpibEoi(hHpib;7,1,) 're-enable EOI hHpib specifies the handle

returned byHpibOpen.


For more information on the EOI and EOL commands, refer to the
programming library manual supplied with the 82335 interface.


If you are using HPVEE, be sure to set the Direct I/O in the Advance
Device Configuration so the Read Terminator and Write EOL Sequence
is set to “\n”. In the I/O Transaction make sure the EOL is ON.