PERKO 0371 User Manual
PERKO Lighting

Cat. No. 0362 Series White All-Round Light
Cat. No. 0371 Series White All-Round Light
The above lights are designed for use on sail or power driven vessels under 20
meters (65.6 ft.) in length, operating on a 12 volt nominal system. In order to comply
with the’72 COLREGS and the U.S. Inland Rules, the following must be adhered to:
Read all instructions before proceeding.
For proper light selection, positioning and configuration, refer to A.B.Y.C.
Standard A- 16*, the’72 COLREGS*, and the U.S. Inland Rules*.
These lights are designed to be mounted on a horizontal surface (Cat. No.
0371 Series) or on a vertical, 1/2 inch threaded pipe (Cat. No. 0362 Series).
Horizontal rotation of these lights is unimportant, as all-round lights have a
360’ horizontal arc of visibility.
Cat. No. 0371 Series:
Unscrew globe from body. Using base as a template, mark the mounting sur-
face and drill to accommodate two #8 flat head screws. Then drill an electrical
supply clearance hole located approximately in the center of the two mounting
holes on the mounting surface. Attach supply connections to the light and
reassemble, making sure to wire in accordance with both A.B.Y.C. Standard E-
9* and U.S. Coast Guard Safety Standards for Boat Electrical Systems (33
CFR 183)*. Fasten light to the mounting surface.
Cat. No. 0362 Series:
Make sure to wire in accordance with A.B.Y.C. Standard E-9* and U.S. Coast
Guard Safety Standards for Boat Electrical Systems (33 CFR 183)*. Run the
supply wire out of the top of the mounting pipe. Attach supply connections to
the socket. Screw the body onto the mounting pipe, and seal the pipe connec-
tion with compound or teflon tape. Prevent twisting the wire inside the pipe
when attaching the light by twisting the light a few times counter-clockwise
before mounting.
The bulb listed below must be used in order to comply with the navigation
regulations cited above. ANSI #90,12 volt 6 C.P. Bulb (PERKO Cat. No.
0337011DP 12V, 7W).
The above referenced standards can be obtained from:
American Boat & Yacht Council, Inc.
(2). U.S. Coast Guard
613 Third Street, Suite 10
Washington,D.C. 20593
Annapolis, MD 21403
(or your local C.G. office)
16490 N.W. 13th Avenue
Miami, FL 33169-5707
33 CFR 183.810
Visibility: 2nm
Tested By: IMANNA Labs.
Date: 2/4/03
Meets ABYC A-16
Cat. No. 0362 Series White All-Round Light
Cat. No. 0371 Series White All-Round Light
The above lights are designed for use on sail or power driven vessels under 20
meters (65.6 ft.) in length, operating on a 12 volt nominal system. In order to comply
with the’72 COLREGS and the U.S. Inland Rules, the following must be adhered to:
Read all instructions before proceeding.
For proper light selection, positioning and configuration, refer to A.B.Y.C.
Standard A- 16*, the’72 COLREGS*, and the U.S. Inland Rules*.
These lights are designed to be mounted on a horizontal surface (Cat. No.
0371 Series) or on a vertical, 1/2 inch threaded pipe (Cat. No. 0362 Series).
Horizontal rotation of these lights is unimportant, as all-round lights have a
360’ horizontal arc of visibility.
Cat. No. 0371 Series:
Unscrew globe from body. Using base as a template, mark the mounting sur-
face and drill to accommodate two #8 flat head screws. Then drill an electrical
supply clearance hole located approximately in the center of the two mounting
holes on the mounting surface. Attach supply connections to the light and
reassemble, making sure to wire in accordance with both A.B.Y.C. Standard E-
9* and U.S. Coast Guard Safety Standards for Boat Electrical Systems (33
CFR 183)*. Fasten light to the mounting surface.
Cat. No. 0362 Series:
Make sure to wire in accordance with A.B.Y.C. Standard E-9* and U.S. Coast
Guard Safety Standards for Boat Electrical Systems (33 CFR 183)*. Run the
supply wire out of the top of the mounting pipe. Attach supply connections to
the socket. Screw the body onto the mounting pipe, and seal the pipe connec-
tion with compound or teflon tape. Prevent twisting the wire inside the pipe
when attaching the light by twisting the light a few times counter-clockwise
before mounting.
The bulb listed below must be used in order to comply with the navigation
regulations cited above. ANSI #90,12 volt 6 C.P. Bulb (PERKO Cat. No.
0337011DP 12V, 7W).
The above referenced standards can be obtained from:
American Boat & Yacht Council, Inc.
(2). U.S. Coast Guard
613 Third Street, Suite 10
Washington,D.C. 20593
Annapolis, MD 21403
(or your local C.G. office)
16490 N.W. 13th Avenue
Miami, FL 33169-5707
33 CFR 183.810
Visibility: 2nm
Tested By: IMANNA Labs.
Date: 2/4/03
Meets ABYC A-16