Micromod Micro-DCI: 53ML5100 Manual Loader User Manual

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53ML5100B Manual Loader

Setup of the 53ML5100 can be done using the buttons on the horizontal and vertical keypads. It can also be
done via the MicroTools configuration software package. Directly beneath the horizontal keypad and
concealed behind the front panel pull-down door is the RS-232 Configuration Port which accept the
configuration cable that provides interface between the instrument and MicroTools running on a personal
computer. The configuration functions within MicroTools is limited to loaded functions of the 53ML5100
Manual Loading Station described in this manual.

The internal power supply provides power to the main board and output power for transmitters (24-26 V dc,
80 mA total available output for instrument and transmitters).

A simplified input/output diagram of the Manual Loading Station is provided in the upper portion of Figure 1-2.
As illustrated in the figure, the instrument can accept two Analog Input signals (ANI0 and ANI1 ) which are
digitized as operands for firmware interpretation and displayed as process variables. Each ANI has a square
root extractor and can accept linear or squared signals of 0-20 mA (0-5 V) or 4-20 mA (1-5 V). The instrument
also provides two Analog Output signals (ANO0 and ANO1) that can be individually selected and manually
controlled using the front panel push buttons.

All of the selectable entries for the Manual Loading Station are parameter entries to the database.
The database is subdivided into modules composed of datapoints that are accessed by the instruction code
as the instrument performs its functions. The database allows instrument functionality to be refined to specific
process applications, as display attributes can be altered and input/output signal characteristics can be
defined. A datapoint location is represented as an alphanumeric address, such as L472, which is the 0-20 mA
Output select for ANO0. (When L472 is configured with a 0, the ANO0 output range is 4-20 mA; when L472 is
configured with a 1, the ANO0 output range is 0-20 mA.) Datapoints are specified parenthetically in the
illustration call-outs of Section 3 where the displays are described in detail. There are also illustrated
procedures provided in Section 3 that show how a datapoint is displayed and configured. Definitions for all of
the Manual Loading Station datapoints are provided in Section 4 and listed in alphanumeric order in Appendix