Machine operations – Magnum Venus Plastech INNOVATOR MEGAJECT 5000 (8001) User Manual
Page 19

Innovator Megaject Manual
• Pump pressure
Pressure gauge - This is the air pressure being supplied to the pump.
Regulator – Adjust this to control the air pressure being supplied to
the pump and set the pump speed.
• Flush
Press this button to operate the flush cycle.
• Start/Stop Controls
Inject – Press to start the machine in inject mode.
Recirculate – Press to start the machine in recirculation mode.
Stop – Press to stop the machine in inject, recirculation or flush modes.
• Mould Pressure Guard
Preset level gauge – Control signal air pressure being supplied to
Mould Pressure Guard (MPG) control.
Regulator – Use this to adjust the MPG control signal air pressure.
• Stroke Count – The predetermining counter will count on each pump
stroke when the machine is in injection mode. The user can enter the
desired shot-count so that the machine stops automatically.
• RGA (Resin Gel Alarm) Indicator – If the RGA alarms, to alert the user
to the risk of resin curing in the machine, an audible alarm will sound and
this indicator will change from black to red.
Machine operations:
Before the system can be used the air isolation sleeve-valve must be moved to
the “ON” position and the E-Stop must be released. When air is initially supplied,
all controls should automatically reset to their non-operational state.
The various controls and operational modes are described in the following sub-
Emergency Stop
When the E-Stop has been activated, the machine will enter a safe state. If the
machine is injecting, recirculating or flushing, the E-Stop is equivalent to pressing
the stop button.
NOTE: Residual pressures may remain in the system even though the E-Stop
has been activated and the air supply has been removed from the machine.
To de-activate the E-Stop, twist and pull to release.