Meter system overview, Meter system components – Liquid Controls LCRII Install E3650-E3651 Series User Manual

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Meter system Components

MeTeR sysTeM

A Liquid Controls meter system not only accurately

measures product, it also regulates and purifies product

flow in order to produce the optimal conditions for

measurement. Optimal systems typically include an air/

vapor eliminator, strainer, meter, register, and control

valve. The LectroCount LCR-II, a register, serves as the

central controller of the meter system. Most components

in the meter system are hard wired to the LCR-II via data

communication cables. See manual M100-10.

aIR/vaPoR elIMInaToRs

Air and vapor eliminators sense and remove air or

vapor in the piping before it enters the metering system,

ensuring that only liquid will pass through the meter for

measurement. Mechanical air eliminators do not require

a data connection to the LectroCount LCR-II (in LPG

applications, they are often plumbed to a 3-way solenoid

which is wired to the LectroCount LCR-II). Optical air

eliminators use an optical sensor to monitor liquid levels

and a solenoid-actuated valve to turn the vapor vent on

and off. The optical sensor and the solenoid valve are

connected to the LectroCount LCR-II by separate data

cables. See manuals M300-20 and M300-21.


Valves control the flow through a metering system. They

open the line to initiate custody transfers and close the

line to stop custody transfers. Some valves can partially

close, slowing the flow rate to a dwell flow on preset

deliveries. By slowing the flow rate, valves can lessen

the hydraulic shock incurred by the meter system upon

shut off and provide accurate preset deliveries. Many

valves use solenoid-operated valves that require a hard

wired data connection to the LectroCount LCR-II. See

manuals M400-11 and M400-40.

eleCTRonIC TeMPeRaTURe volUMe

CoMPensaTIon (eTvC) KIT

In order to perform temperature compensation

equations, the LectroCount LCR-II relies on a

temperature probe inserted into the strainer housing.

Installation directions for the ETVC kit are included in

this manual.

MeTeR sysTeM oveRvIeW

M7 Meter with LectroCount LCR-II Electronic Register, Optical

Air Eliminator, High Capacity Strainer, and E-7 Valve

Optical Air Eliminator

Refined Fuels

Mechanical Air

Eliminator and High

Capacity Strainer

Optical Vapor Eliminator

LPG and NH


Solenoid Block



E-7 Valve